Rodgers RLE Forum
The Rodgers RLE Forum is a time to appreciate and learn from examples of impactful engineering. The laboratory hosts these opportunities for engagement in support of its mission to serve as a cutting-edge hub for advancing and sharing knowledge and best practices in high-performance prototyping.
Topics will generally fit into one of three categories:
- industry Technology
- insideRLE Technology
- insideRLE Personal Pursuits
Click here for a one-page outline of the preferred format, and scroll down for more on the operating Vision for the Forum.
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Previous Forums
List of prior forums here.
Upcoming Forums
List of upcoming forums here.
These forums offer opportunities to discover and share new tools, techniques, and best practices from any source. Industry Technology forums showcase examples of the practice of engineering within a for-profit or non-profit corporation, a national lab, or similar non-academic institution. They aim to feature the engineer or scientist who did the work, so that the engineer can explain their techniques in detail (with the approval of their institution). Whether the innovation involves a high-performance product or service, the profit motive and/or short timelines can lead to effective practices that might also be adopted in academic research and development settings. An industry forum might also share knowledge and demonstrations of new equipment, tools, components and/or services. Ultimately, an industry forum could lead to new collaborations as well as internship and career opportunities for RLE students.
An insideRLE Technology forum provides an opportunity to foster relationships and collaboration within RLE or between RLE and groups across MIT. As researchers utilize the Rodgers lab facilities, they might be asked if they would like to share their expertise and exchange ideas with the community. Topics might include examples of thinking, making, or measuring that had not found their way into research papers but had been essential to the work. Finally, an insideRLE Personal Pursuits forum offers a chance to share personal interests with fellow RLE students and staff.
Regardless of the topic, data is highly desired and a few slides are very helpful, but polish is not necessary. The goal is not to lecture, but to share, to spark interest, to prompt discussion that encourages further interaction after the forum.
Please offer your suggestions or volunteer to present at or to facilitate a forum! Please share industry contacts that hold significance for YOUR research, and Dr. Nagle will reach out to connect.
The Rodgers Lab will provide beverages, sandwiches, or other finger foods.